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Roberts Environmental – Van Graphics

Van Livery Newcastle

Over the years we’ve done several vehicle liveries for Roberts Environmental Limited. We’ve applied their branding to Citreon Berlingo, Ford Rangers, Water Bowsers and now this Transit Custom.

Vehicle Livery on a New Transit Custom

Important details when designing vehicle liveries and company branding is in details on consistency. What I mean by this is that colours, styles and imagery should remain the same.

With Roberts Environmental we started off with van graphics on a Citreon Berlingo. The design work was done by Shenton Creative. So, the first vehicle was out of our hands in terms of design, however, we worked with Dave Shenton and Roberts in the vinyl specifications. The vinyl that we’ve used (in the photo) looks like light grey vinyl, but is, in reality, a white pearlescent vinyl. It is from the Avery vehicle wrapping range and has a nice lustre to it.

Transferring the design in to Van Graphics

As the groundwork was laid out already, we kept to the design principles to tie this vehicle in with the previous graphics.
The sides of the van focus on the logo and website details. While the rear of the van mentioned a few service items the business does.

Vehicle Livery Newcastle upon Tyne

The pearlescent white vinyl adds a subtle extra dimension to the van graphics. It is also essential for conforming to the shape of the vehicle.

van graphics Newcastle upon Tyne

For more information about Roberts Environmental Limited visit